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How UPS uses its YouTube channel successfully to connect with its audience.

Hi. So welcome to another YouTube channel case study.

So far in our case studies, we've mostly looked at individuals, real estate agents, financial advisors, marketing experts, people who've been using YouTube channels as a way to connect with their audiences and grow their businesses.

Now the thing is about YouTube is anybody can use it, from the individual all the way up to the large company. So in this case study, I wanted to shift the focus from the individual to the company. Are there companies out there that are using YouTube channels successfully to grow their business, connect with their audiences?

So I started looking for some small businesses that might be doing it, and I actually stumbled upon another much larger business that has been using YouTube very successfully in my opinion. That business is UPS. So let's take a look at some of the ways that UPS is using a YouTube channel to connect with their audience and to grow their business.

So the very first thing we'll notice with just about any successful YouTube channel is what is the first video that we see? What is the introduction video or the featured video that we usually find at the top of the home page. In this case, it's an episode of a show that they're calling Unpacking Small Business. In the description it reads that the VP of Global Marketing for UPS seems to be traveling around and interviewing some of their clients.

In this case, it's a company called Vat19, an eCommerce store. This is an amazing way to connect with potential clients or to connect with existing clients; inviting them for an interview. Now you can make the effort and go to where they are or invite them to come to you and that way you have an in person interview, which has a massive amount of potential for connection, but you can also do it remotely with technology today, with technologies like Skype and zoom, you can set up a call, you can record that call and with a little bit of editing, you can create a really solid video interview even if you're not in the same room with the person.

So that's the first thing that I noticed was that they were using these interviews very strategically to not only connect with their clients, but to showcase that connection to the world or to anybody who is watching these videos.

So what that tells me is that they found a way to connect their business to this cause or to this event and they're basically humanizing themselves to their audience. They're saying, "Hey, we're more than just a company that delivers packages. We care about the people that we work with. We want to highlight those people. We want to tell their stories. We want to give them an opportunity for more people to find out what they do." By doing that, they're just creating these really strong relationships with their clients, but they're also connecting with potential clients.

So if I'm a woman who's starting a small business and I started doing some digging online, there's a really good chance I'm going to find one of these videos and one of those videos might be the motivation or the inspiration that I need in order to start that business and if in that business, in starting that business, I need to send a package or I need something delivered to me, of course UPS is going to be on top of mind for them.

Another playlist that they have, which is probably more obvious in this case are how-to videos on all the different procedures that are involved in sending or receiving a UPS package.

For a small business that's just getting started, having these videos for the most commonly asked questions that people might have for you, is a great way to make it easier for your clients and for your audience to figure out how to use your product or how to use your service instead of having to take all these calls, instead of having to reply to all these emails. A couple of really good strategic videos that walk people through the process can save you tons of time and tons of money. UPS definitely understands that.

So another playlist that I really liked and for a couple of reasons is one called Tips From A UPS Expert. So these are different questions, kind of like the how to videos, but here instead of having animations, they actually have people from the company explaining these different procedures or these different issues that people might run into.

So an example is Understanding Weather Delays With Aaron from UPS. So why would they do that? Well, first of all, so that people who do have these questions can get answers to these questions and these people are obviously experts because they work for the company. But I think the other thing is it creates loyalty within your organization.

If I'm working for a company and they asked me to be in this video, to explain this thing that I'm an expert in, that's going to make me feel really good about the company that I work for, it means that I'm being noticed. It means that I'm appreciated. So if you're a smaller medium business, why not give the people who work for you an opportunity to shine, an opportunity to showcase their expertise and video is such an amazing way to do that.

So, like I said, I could go through this whole YouTube channel for an hour because there's tons of really interesting content on here, but I invite you to go check out the UPS YouTube channel. Go see the type of content they're creating, and if you have a small or medium or even large business, take example from these guys. See how they're using YouTube strategically, and you might be able to do the same for your company or your organization.

So that's it. That's how UPS is using a YouTube channel to connect with their audience and to grow their business.

If you have any questions, please leave some comments down below. If you're enjoying these YouTube channel case studies, please subscribe to this channel and I look forward to next time.

Have a great day.