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Should you join a LinkedIn Pod?

Newsletter-Issue #21 Subscribe at

Kerry Barrett, Emmy Award-winning Anchor, discussed with us how LinkedIn Pods work and their benefits.

Kerry Barrett, Media trainer, Public Speaking Coach, Emcee/Host, Keynote Speaker, On-camera Talent, Brand Journalist, Podcaster, Author, Emmy Award-winning Anchor

What are LinkedIn Pods?

They are groups of people who band together to help promote each other’s LinkedIn posts. It’s a great way to demonstrate to the LinkedIn algorithm that your content is truly valuable based on the engagement it generates.

How they work:

Everyone in the group posts on their personal feed by a certain time in the morning, shares a link to the post in a group message, and likes+comments on other pod members’ posts.

A typical organic / non-paid pod will have 10-30 members, each member probably posts once every day or every other day, and spends another 20-30 minutes commenting on other pod members’ posts.

The benefits:

  1. If the pod organizer does a good job and picks people of the same mindset, you will enjoy meeting these new people

  2. Your posts will consistently get higher and higher engagement and broaden your reach

  3. You may get referral business from other members (be sure to always have a “giving” mentality)

How to join one?

If you’re sold on the benefits, you can join or create a LinkedIn pod:

  • Join a paid LinkedIn pod, e.g., Lempod which promises 10x engagement to your posts for $5 per month (1 post per day). But you have to be careful about the quality and how LinkedIn tries to crack down on these paid engagement tools.

  • You may be contacted by a LinkedIn pod’s organizer to join their group because they know you personally or like your LinkedIn activity.

  • Or you can even start your own pod. It’s nothing too formal, essentially a group of like-minded people who want to support each other and grow each other’s reach on LinkedIn.

Read next:

What content should you be posting on LinkedIn to grab attention?
Why I Signed Up for Another LinkedIn Outreach Platform