You don’t just need a pretty-looking video, but one that delivers RESULTS!


To communicate your services or ideas successfully, nothing is more powerful than a great explainer video. But what makes a GOOD explainer video?

The key to an effective Explainer video is the script. Start by clearly stating who the video is for.

Then, focus on what’s in it for them! What problem are you solving... and how? Can you share an example?

The more tangible you make your solution to the viewer, the easier it will be for them to visualize how it will work.

And finally, don’t forget a clear call to action. This can be a free consultation, an invitation to connect on social media, or a link to download a white paper and engage with your content further.

Schedule a call with one of our specialists for a free consultation… and experience the difference

Explainer examples


Whiteboard animations

Perfect for explaining complex ideas and breaking down your audience’s barriers to new messaging… because we all grew up doodling.


Motion Graphics animations

Great for grabbing your audience’s attention with vibrant colors & smooth transitions, and reinforcing your branding.


A fresher look with Motion Graphics animations, relying on more stylized graphics, iconography, and kinetic typography.


Actor in studio + screencast videos

A great way to engage your audience with an actor and humanize your brand, while demonstrating key features & functionality.


Actor-driven green-screen videos to create a higher-end look and better emotional connection with your audience.