Why you need to Start your Corporate Video Channel NOW!

I've been talking to many companies who have noticed a big way of corporate video channels on YouTube, and video on LinkedIn feeds. But it's not a priority yet, so they'll wait until next year, and they'll be too late. There are three reasons why.

First, content is getting consumed increasingly on mobile. The result is that fewer people are reading content, but they're definitely watching video. You can do a quick test on the next time you check your LinkedIn feed. When you scroll down, do you stop and read the text posts or do you focus on the videos? You should also know that LinkedIn, like most platforms, is making a big push to promote video, because they know that video does the best job at keeping people on the platform. Same goes for YouTube and other social media. So if you're stuck on text content, you will fall behind, and your social platforms will increasingly deemphasize your content.

Second, let's talk briefly about your blog, especially if you're posting great content regularly. You're making such a big investment, it's a shame not to boost your ROI, by leveraging video for your content marketing. With text only blogs, it's probably already very difficult to rank for your keywords, and that situation will only get worse. On the other hand, video content can help you lead for the competition, because it has much higher chance to rank on the front page of Google.

And the third, the biggest issue is that if you fall behind, it becomes exponentially difficult to catch up. That's because ranking algorithms work on a cumulative basis. For example, one of the key metrics that YouTube uses in order to rank your videos, is based on your channel's total watch time. That means that it aggregates all the minutes that viewers have watched of your videos on the YouTube platform.

If a competitor has a three month headstart and posts regularly, then it will be very difficult to catch up because, their are videos will be promoted more heavily, and as a result, they will continue accumulating watch time at a much higher pace.

That's why you have to start with video right now, to stay ahead of the trend where people consume increasingly on mobile, to get the most out of your blog by converting key posts into video and ranking higher. Don't forget to subscribe and click the notification bell to the right so you'll know every time we post a new video.

Board Studios partners with B2B/Services businesses to execute video strategies in order to build their YouTube channel, connect with their audience on LinkedIn, and win more business - and is recognized as one of the Top Digital Marketing Agencies For Financial Services