Where to find more best clients? Get More Best Clients (part 2/3)

This is a 3-part series of videos. In our 1st video we discussed how to identify WHO are your best clients.  Now in this video, the 2nd part of the series, we focus on WHERE to find more of these ideal clients.  And in the final video, we focus on HOW to reach them.

Tools to find more companies similar to your best clients

1. Owler

Owler is a crowdsourced platform where you enter the URL of a company and it shows you companies that offer similar services.  So, you can find companies that are comparable to your favorite clients.

2. Spyfu

Spyfu is a tool where you enter a URL and it shows you other companies that are competing with that URL either for organic search traffic, or for paid traffic.

Let’s say one of your ideal clients is a fintech company that does small business lending.  You enter their URL on Spyfu and you see other companies that are also ranking organically for the same keywords.  And you also see who’s paying to advertise for these keywords.  These companies are most likely in the same business.

Essentially, you’re finding your best client’s competitors.  And if you want to expand on your list, enter the competitors’ URLs on Owler and Spyfu and get THEIR competitors and so on.  You should have no problem getting 20-40 comparable companies to your best clients.

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