How to Create a B2B Content Strategy: Content ideas, Production and Promotion.

In this video I wanted to talk a little about how do you produce value adding content because everyone says stop selling, start educating adding value adding content. The natural question is, okay, how do I do that? What is value adding content? How do I come up with that?

There are really three things you want to consider. One is how to come up with good ideas of content to produce, what is value adding content? Two, is how to produce it. And three is how to promote it so you get the most out of it.

How do you source good content ideas to grow your YouTube Channel?

For the source of good ideas, I found the best places to look is when clients are calling you with questions, when you’re on sales calls and you hear objections, those are great content for videos. Search Quora for some of the keywords that you think your clients might be searching for and see some great topics. Also do some SEO keyword analysis using a tool like KW Finder. You enter your keywords and then you see what are the best blog posts that are getting most of the traffic and that can use some pretty cool ideas. But also some content. And you can say, “I have a different take on this so I can do a video or another blog.” You can also look on LinkedIn groups. They have some pretty interesting questions sometimes. The most active ones. Some of them are just more about selling to each other and vendors trying to figure out ways how to create more leads through LinkedIn groups. But there are actually some pretty cool questions in some of them.

How do you produce your content?

Structure your content.

Here the approach I take is I sit down and write three to five bullet points. Here for example for this video, I wrote how do you source your content ideas, how do you produce your content, and then how to promote it. That’s three bullet points. I plan to talk about 30 to 60 seconds on each bullet point. If it goes a little longer, don’t worry about it because in editing you can do jump cuts and it actually looks pretty much fine. So even if you go longer, don’t worry about it. It’s better to go longer than to go really short and then you haven’t covered all the things that you want to cover.

Shoot the video.

So what you can do, what I found really useful … Actually we did a test. And we did an interview where somebody was on the other side of the camera asking me questions. And that worked really well. Then we did one where I was scripted and that looked very robotic and not very engaging. So when I was watching the video, I was saying, “I would never engage with that content. It feels very stilted.” So the in between approach is to take actually a picture of someone and stick it under the camera so it looks like you’re looking at somebody and you’re explaining it to them. And then you can come off as more natural. That’s actually what I’m doing right now.

Tools to record your video.

There are many tools out there to record your video. You can use a TechSmith Camtasia, you can use ScreenFlow, you can use a lot of stuff. Maybe you have to pay for some of them because they give you editing capabilities. You can even use QuickTime, which is free. But actually I found the best on is to use Zoom because pretty much everyone has Zoom and you can just open Zoom, start a meeting with just yourself, turn on your camera, and start recording the video. The benefit of that is that it does it locally so the quality is pretty good. If you do a video interview with Zoom, the quality may degrade a little bit because there are some bandwidth and compression issues because it has to account for the bandwidth coming from the other side and all that stuff. It’s technical, but it will look better, I think, if you do local recording.

How do you get the most out of your videos?        

You have a great video. It’s the best asset you can have, better than blog posts, infographics, anything like that and you want to get the most out of it. So the first thing you want to do is go to It’s an awesome service. Super fast. Pretty correct most of the time. So you may have to fix some things, but don’t worry about it in the first times. So go to and get your video captioned. You just paste the URL. So you can upload your video on Vimeo, YouTube, Wistia, wherever you want to host it. Then you paste the URL on and you can order captions and transcript. Captions, it’s like subtitles at the bottom of your video. And that’s super useful for when you upload it on YouTube or LinkedIn because most people now consume video with their headphones, when they’re commuting, or even on silent without headphones so they can’t hear the sound. And when they can’t hear the sound, they have to rely on the subtitles.

Use your content on YouTube, LinkedIn and your blog.

So, what you do is you get the captions, you upload the video on LinkedIn. It has a little pencil icon and they’re changing they’re changing their format all the time. But the pencil icon lets you edit the video and you can upload an SRT file. Dot SRT. That’s the extension of the file.

Then on YouTube you can upload your SRT file as well and you have captions.

Now with the transcript, you can also post it on your blog. So you go to your website, on your blog, and you post the video. And underneath, you post the full transcript. You may have to edit it a little bit. And here, a cool suggestion is to go on Yoast SEO because it gives you a suggestion on the keyword density. So if your keyword density is very low … And naturally when you’re speaking your keyword density is probably going to be lower than what’s SEO optimized. So you may have to add some of the keywords here and there. Just sprinkle it in, edit it lightly, and then post a transcript as your blog post. And that way you have a video on YouTube, on LinkedIn, and on your blog, and a blog post. So that’s getting tremendous value out of just one asset that took you very little time to produce.

How can we help you.

Now you can do all that by yourself internally. But you will probably need some expertise. So you may need to hire some people. Or you can work with our team at Board Studios where we do the same thing for hundreds of clients. We’re going to help you find the right content, do the research for SEO, keyword, and competitive analysis, and suggest contents that you can cover. So we do the research then we help you with the production. We can get on the call with you to interview you. And then we produce the video, we edit the video, and we promote the video.

So we figure out all the strategy, your calendar, the posting, we drip it on your YouTube channel. And then all you have to do is really just give us the interview, which typically takes about one hour of your time every three months and you can get the topics that we need to drip to your YouTube channel for once a week. Those are going to be videos two to three minutes long, dripped once a week. You have them also for your LinkedIn channel, for your blog post.

So it’s tremendous value with just one hour of your time every three months. And it’s super cost-effective and super efficient. Because we have the team that’s doing it every day, we have figured out exactly the processes that we need. It’s not something that we do for one client this week, another client the other week. We do it for a lot of clients all the time. So we are super streamlined, which also means that we save money for you, and it’s super cost-effective, and it’s really a no brainer.