Video Podcasting: The Growth Driver for 2020

If you're a B2B services business looking to build a pipeline of high ticket clients, video podcasting is the biggest untapped opportunity right now. A video podcast is the best and most cost effective way to expand your audience, add value so they like and trust you, and demonstrate your thought leadership.

Why are companies doing podcasts?

It seems like every company is starting a podcast, not because they think their audience will find and listen to their podcast, because the problem with podcasts is that they aren't indexed or SEO optimized. You get a 20 to 40 minute episode and you have no clue what's inside. It can be a drawn-out interview, it can be the kitchen sink, who knows. So why are companies doing podcasts? Because it's a great way to connect with partners and clients, the folks they interview. They have found that it's super powerful to get someone on their show and spend quality time with them, as opposed to trying their cold outreach approach to connect with them, and it works.

Why are Video Podcasts better?

But you know what's even better? Video podcasts, because you get to connect and really know your interviewee at a much deeper level. Compare seeing someone engaging the reactions to listening on the phone. Video podcasts come with a host of other benefits too. You can splice them into smaller segments, upload them on YouTube, SEO optimize them with the right thumbnails and titles, and they get indexed by Google. You can also share them on LinkedIn to demonstrate thought leadership and tag your interviewees. That way you can easily tap into their audience and you get a halo effect from their brand and reach. You can pay promote your video podcasts very cheaply as opposed to doing PPC or content ads to boost your blog posts, and you can even boost your SEO results by converting your videos into blog posts. And finally, with video podcasts, you can engage your audience much more effectively on YouTube and LinkedIn.

In fact, a client of ours AB tested and found that video outperformed 20 to one against any type of static content. Video podcasts are the easiest and fastest way for you to create a lot of content in order to build your video presence on YouTube and LinkedIn. All you need is just 12 interviews a year. That's just one a month. You can splice each interview into four clips and that will yield enough content for the full year for your YouTube channel, since it's recommended to post at least once a week. It's the easiest way to build your video presence and demonstrate thought leadership. So are you ready to supercharge your business growth with video podcasts? To get started, feel free to reach out to me and my team and we'll help you through all the initial hurdles. Or join our mastermind group to get your questions answered, access to our experts and the support of a great community of B2B services businesses and growth experts. Don't forget to subscribe and click the notification bell to the right so you'll know every time we post a new video.

Board Studios partners with B2B/Services businesses to execute video strategies in order to build their YouTube channel, connect with their audience on LinkedIn, and win more business - and is recognized as one of the Top B2B Digital Marketing Agencies