In this video, we’re going to talk about video content marketing and a very efficient process to batch-produce videos for your company’s YouTube channel, which you can grow into a long-term asset that generates organic traffic and clients.
So, here’s how we work with clients to produce and promote their videos for content marketing, very cost-effectively and with a very streamlined process, which involves 7 steps.
1st Step is: RESEARCH – That’s where we perform SEO/keyword & competitive analysis in order to identify potential topics that will resonate with your clients.
We recommend using a tool like SpyFu in order to identify companies that compete with you both organically but also on the paid side. SpyFu also shows you the keywords that everyone’s ranking for or paying for.
You can then enter those keywords in another tool: KWFinder, which shows you the traffic and competition for each keyword, other suggested keywords, and perhaps more importantly the top-ranking content for each keyword.
And finally, you can enter your competitors’ domains on UberSuggest to see which of their pages are getting the most traffic.
This way, you see what your competitors have been doing with their blog posts and videos, and you start identifying topics that already resonate with your audience. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, start by focusing on topics that you know work!
In the next video we are going to talk about the 2nd Step: REFINING YOUR VIDEO CONTENT IDEAS.