Video Content Marketing

Drafting you video content

This video is the 3rd one from a series of videos where we explain how we work with our clients to produce and promote their videos for content marketing, in 7 steps.

In the previous video, we talked about the 2nd step: Refining your video content ideas, where you go over the preliminary ideas you got from Step 1 and refine them based on your experience and expertise.

In this video we are going to talk about the 3rd Step: DRAFTING YOUR CONTENT

A streamlined process to produce & promote video content

In this video, we’re going to talk about video content marketing and a very efficient process to batch-produce videos for your company’s YouTube channel, which you can grow into a long-term asset that generates organic traffic and clients.

So, here’s how we work with clients to produce and promote their videos for content marketing, very cost-effectively and with a very streamlined process, which involves 7 steps.

Video content vs blog: which one’s better, and why?

A blog post may be pore efficient than a video because you can skim through it and focus only on the parts that are relevant to you BUT, HOW are you going to get that text content in front of your audience and get them to consume it? Consumption has moved to mobile, and people don’t want to read on their phones.  But they definitely watch a lot of video.

I WANT to do video content marketing BUT… how do I know it’s working?

Starting with video content marketing is one of the hardest things.  Not only because it’s tough to plan your content; figure out equipment, production, and editing; and then how to optimize and promote.  But also, because you’ll probably start with ZERO views and ZERO subscribers on your YouTube channel. So, you’ll post your first video and… crickets.  In fact, you have to post A LOT of videos before you start seeing ANY results.